Yes, get ready and start planning your glitzy ritzy costumes now. I'm extremely excited about this one, as it is the masquerade holiday in the western hemisphere, and how, as a mask maker and party organizer could I not love that? Plus, as you can see by the invitation's picture, I've been working hard already on making a new variety of elegant and timeless masks.
So down to the details! If you are planning on coming, please join the "Illusions Mardi Gras Masque 2008" group that you can find in Search. The last group limit of 50 worked out extremely well, and again there will be an admission fee of 150L that will be entered in a raffle. Only members of this group will be able to enter Carnivale at 6pm on the 9th, and be eligible to compete in the costume contest and the raffle. Attendance will be opened probably at 9pm SLT and will be announced to the Masqueraderie.
Sadly I must impose rules about your costumes. I know, I know, it's blasphemy for one of the most audacious and sumptuous chances for costumes to be limited, yet lag is really not as fun as being able to talk and enjoy the music. So for the sake of all of our latencies, I kindly request that you follow these restrictions and pitch in against the ongoing battle of pings.
Please keep your prim attachments in total to 200 or less.
Illusions Mardi Gras Masquerade
Saturday, February 9th, 6PM SLT
Illusions Event Hall, Carnivale
(Join the "Illusions Mardi Gras Masque 2008" Group)
Formal Dress and Mask Required
You can double check how close you are to the limit by using build, and holding down shift to click each item you're wearing. The build window will display the collected total of those prims.
Streamline your AO, or leave it at homeNobody likes looking like a noob while being a wallflower. However, if you don't plan to dance, fill a veritably lag free, low prim ZHAOII with your two or three favorite stands. You don't need a walk or any other anim if you're not moving. Otherwise, just go without.
No particles, and no listening scriptsTurn that bling off, and make sure you don't have any items on you that respond to chat commands. Try to avoid scripted items at all if possible.
Sorry if I come off as all tyrant-y, but really I'm trying to help! If everyone pitches in and follows these, I'm pretty sure lag won't come and crash the party.
As per usual I shall be dj'ing and keeping the music coming, however late this may run! I will also be passing out Beads made by yours truly. Last year, I used trivia questions about Mardi Gras in order to determine who would get Beads, this time... I haven't decided yet :) I've been thinking of doing a "web scavenger hunt" using Google.
As always, there will be a costume contest, determined by vote, to vie for the title of King or Queen of Mardi Gras. Two unreleased themed masks will be awarded as the prizes, along with 1500L each. I will also have the 150L fee to join the Masque group raffled off to the members, the winner receiving 5000L!
There will also be a grab bag of party favors provided by me and any other of my designer friends who wish to contribute something. This will be available to anyone who attends the party, even if they miss the first hours.
Make sure you join the group early, do not put it off because you don't have a group slot. Spots will go surprisingly fast, and I will refuse to add a single soul more than 50. I will, however, have a waiting list just in case anyone leaves the group, which has happened before. There will still be hope to get in even if you hear about it too late.
Masks are required, but a freebie mask will be included in the party favors as always, so you don't need to worry if you're low on the dough. I am always amazed at the incredible costumes you guys come up with, and I know for a fact this party will be no exception. I'm positive that you will be able to work around those limitations and turn up looking exquisite, and I absolutely can't wait to see!
As per usual I shall be dj'ing and keeping the music coming, however late this may run! I will also be passing out Beads made by yours truly. Last year, I used trivia questions about Mardi Gras in order to determine who would get Beads, this time... I haven't decided yet :) I've been thinking of doing a "web scavenger hunt" using Google.
As always, there will be a costume contest, determined by vote, to vie for the title of King or Queen of Mardi Gras. Two unreleased themed masks will be awarded as the prizes, along with 1500L each. I will also have the 150L fee to join the Masque group raffled off to the members, the winner receiving 5000L!
There will also be a grab bag of party favors provided by me and any other of my designer friends who wish to contribute something. This will be available to anyone who attends the party, even if they miss the first hours.
Make sure you join the group early, do not put it off because you don't have a group slot. Spots will go surprisingly fast, and I will refuse to add a single soul more than 50. I will, however, have a waiting list just in case anyone leaves the group, which has happened before. There will still be hope to get in even if you hear about it too late.
Masks are required, but a freebie mask will be included in the party favors as always, so you don't need to worry if you're low on the dough. I am always amazed at the incredible costumes you guys come up with, and I know for a fact this party will be no exception. I'm positive that you will be able to work around those limitations and turn up looking exquisite, and I absolutely can't wait to see!
Illusions Mardi Gras Masquerade
Saturday, February 9th, 6PM SLT
Illusions Event Hall, Carnivale
(Join the "Illusions Mardi Gras Masque 2008" Group)
Formal Dress and Mask Required
Hey! I have a quick question about the dress code. I want to wear a formal "costume/wedding dress" to the party. Is that kosher?
I'm absolutely thrilled to be able to attend!
Adia Clary
Hahaha sounds perfect! I just put the "formal" there so everyone knew they had to be dressed up to the nines and start planning their costumes now. The bigger and more audacious (within the limitations) the better!!
YAY! Can't wait to attend! I found out about the Halloween party too late so this is really exciting. :-)
hi, so you have to pay to get in?
id like to go but i dont have the money unfortunetly :( .
i have a dress and a mask but ran out of Lindens.
anyway have a great time at the party for me :)
Yay! I just joined the group to be a part of this last night~ I spent the entire night and all of this morning putting together the perfect outfit... only to find that I'm 20 prims over the 200 limit. *cries*
This limit will be the death of me, I'm sure :P
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