As I've been working on my sim, I've been commissioning sculpts from my good friend
Miriel Enfield. I'm very good with organic shapes, but when it comes to the hard rigid lines required by architecture (or at least the architecture I have in mind) I needed to outsource. She has been far too much of a sweetie with me, and has refused to allow me to compensate her monetarily. So I was stuck for a way to show my immense gratitude for the large variety and number of sculpts I was asking from her. But I caught her longing for a good pair of practical and traditional granny boots on SL, and I realized I'd love a pair too.

So thank you Miriel.
This is truly the first proof I can show you guys how much that breakthrough did for me (agh don't remind me what an idiot I was). Each piece was made together in Zbrush3, without any photosourcing at all! Even the stitches you see delicately applied were all made on the high resolution model, and then grabbed in the texture. I'm incredibly proud of that aspect, considering I wanted to photosource and then couldn't find a good enough reference. I dug in myself, thinking I'd have to settle for something not as crisp or not as detailed, and was very pleasantly surprised. I even was able to add a pretty swirly detail, muahaha. Hurray for stitching alphas! (Zbrush reference, don't mind me).
The reason behind the "version 1.21+" note is because the laces utilize oblong sculpts. They're not supported on all viewers, so for some people they might seem incredibly rough or look like they're not rezzed all the way. In that case, you need to upgrade your viewer in order to see the laces as you do in the picture.
I'm dying for a good, solid pair of real life granny boots too, so if anyone knows any place for me to acquire a similar pair, I'd be delighted. But hopefully this might satisfy my longing for a bit!