It's available in the main store, but since the judgment of the pieces is sales based and tallied on Onrez, it's a special Onrez.com vendor which didn't allow me to offer my usual option of copy or transfer. Don't worry, on January 15th when the voting period ends, I'll release the hat in my normal vendor with more options for colors to match the colored coats that I'm still working on. Just so you know, currently the hold up is that colors and white don't cover the multitude of "seam sins" that black does, so I have to be even more meticulous. I now know why Nicky Ree never does jacket layers! But anyhoo, if you buy them I get a prize XD
Just a quick note, You can gift the hat if you buy it on the OnRez site and select the gift option and type in the recipetant's name!
.....i like it.
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