Her skin series that isn't neko is called Boneflower. It seemed pretty humdrum to me at first, some interesting eyeshadows, doot do do, nothing that jumped out and said "you HAVE to buy me", and then I saw a certain fashcon notice announcing the opening of a new Boneflower series, "Whispers of Night". Hmm, goth skins, I'll check out the picture... and got my butt over there as fast as I could teleport. I saw yummies.

The eye liner is what got me, the exotic cheetah look, or the hint of the eye of ra, or maybe because if I wore the makeup I did on Second Life I'd need another room in my apartment for kohl and eyeliner. She offered up a couple more "natural" goth looks (yeah, "huh?") that have just the tail of the eyeliner or just the dark shading around the eyes, but since I was the one payin' for 'em, I got me my favorites...These are the twilight and gloom shadows, and the yummy yummy lip colors. My favorite is the one on the right, which is the "Lost Stalker" style. It's fantasy without crossing the line over into inappropriate for everyday wear, which is the line I like to walk ^.^
I buy skins for the makeup, but if you're interested in the bits, I'm going to say that it has a very lovely kitty, which is trimmed and comes only in black, but it looks actually very soft O.o Don't believe me? Try a demo, lol. The perfect word for the body shading is subtle. The skin comes in white, and whiter, and this is the white version. As quite the connesieur of pale skins, I can say that this skin has a nice "believable" pale without being completely blinding, and the shading gives some nice definition without being overly athletic or low resolution. The feet are a little blurry, but only compared to skins that pay them a lot of attention. The nails on both the hands and feet are a nice, natural clear polish, and the breasts have subtle highlights, rather than looking like they've been cut and pasted from some porn star's skin. There is something a little odd though, that the nipples are very light... I don't know about your nipples, but certainly the ones I've seen are darker than that in comparison to the skin... But hey, if you're wearing a shear shirt, you probably won't need pasties!
The skins are what got me in there, but Zoe's new clothing line of Broken is what made me need to go back and withdraw some cash from the bank.

Oh! And while you're browsing, don't miss the beautiful and much needed sheer shirts, in a whole bunch of different patterns. They are tres AFI, with long sleeves and a high collar, and they look good on both men and women. But since I have a thing in both IRL and SL about clothing that touches the neck, I didn't buy any myself, but the price is certainly not what stopped me, the sheer shirts are 90L each.
SLurl: "Temenos Island"
Whispers Of Night Skins in "Deathly", Gloom and Twilight shadows 700L per skin
Broken clothing: Lucifer set 800L, cross corset 90L
Worn with Symon hair by Deviant Kitties in black and white
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