So now, with essentially a bird's head... what would I possibly wear with this? An image came to me, and I had to sketch it down even though I was trying to fall asleep at the time.

Yet... Corvus is a unisex mask. And most men will not relish the idea of wearing a gown. And so a looming challenge appeared. The gauntlet had been thrown down before me... I had to make something formal that a man could wear to accompany a woman wearing such a gown. A suit.

However, seeing the results, I have to thank her. I love the jacket, the feathered shoulders add some flamboyant whimsy, and the jabot (the tie) blends so well into the bottom of the mask that it almost looks like feathers. The silk shirt alone is one of the most versatile pieces of clothing I have right now. I've been wearing it with vests, corsets, as a man or woman, with skirts, with pants, you name it. I made sure to include as many layer options as possible, since I was going through the trouble of making all this I wanted to be sure people could wear it how they like.
Certain pieces are also available separately, if you would just like to buy the dress alone without the mask or other accessories, same for the suit. I also put the silk shirt out on its own. If you just like the accessories, you can nab those up without having to get the whole look.

However, my favorite are the wings. They aren't scripted, but in such a lovely black do they really need to be?

This whole project has been one of those times when my muse just won't let go until she's had her way. A vision just unfolded that just had to be realized. So it was with the dress, then the suit, and finally the story. It's been a crazy series of all-nighters, aching wrists and hundreds in uploads... but worth it. I hope you love it as much as I do... enjoy ♥
[standing ovation]
It's stunning! It almost tempted me back to SL, in fact.
You've become so good at this work. When we first met, I tended to think your building skills were stronger than your texturing. Now? You've more than caught up. The bird mask looks beautifully modeled and textured.
Thank you so much, Miriel. That is such a profound compliment coming from you, but I have to confess that Zbrush did a lot of the heavy lifting. I wouldn't say I've gotten better with textures, so much as I've learned more tricks to get around my shortcomings :)~
Thank you though, and if you do log in let me know and I'd be happy to send you it.
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