I made the mistake of drifting off after reading the new Harry Potter book with my fiance Alex, and woke up about 5 minutes late to my own party! I rushed online, naturally, and hurried to get music up while the lovely Candy Flanagan attempted to entertain the guests that had shown up by making armpit noises or something. After things got settled in, attendance was modest, and hovered around 5 to 6 guests. The folks that showed up made me feel rather embarassed at my own lack of too much preparation, but that soon ended after the hilarity got going

Kenn Szondi especially (the model for the Cap'n Jack) stood out in his black and white, perfectly matching the tablecloth, and Norathiel Silvera (crowned Oberon at the Midsummer Masque) was quite charming in a floppy top hat and red and black plaid. There was a delicious assortment of hattastic folk, but mostly it was a low key and playful get together of fun folk!
Which slowly got a little crazier as we got in to the darker depths of our inventories, somewhere around the 4th hour...

Flea Bussy popped by and dropped BUBBLE PIPES on us all!! How could we resist those!?

Naturally the idea of what could be considered a hat was greatly stretched:

We actually kept going for almost 8 hours or more, just organizing, sorting, swapping, goofing off, playing Kriket bowling (throwing Kriket Pimpernel at crates), and wearing turkeys on our heads. And I'm
very happy to report, i can see the bottom of my objects folder! I had 28k items this morning, and now I've slimmed myself to a nice, trim 26k. Lol, ok, not much of a difference to you maybe, but most of those 2000 items were in
one folder. Hence my rejoicing!!
According to the other folks, it was a mixed blessing, seeing as how they both gave away and got quite a lot of inventory, so most people just stayed where they had started... but with things that they were happier with :)
I wished I could have stayed longer, I have been having major issues as of late. It was good to meet you in SL!
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