More mesh! More more more. I'm still learning and so I'm just doing variations on a theme here, but I'm endeavoring to learn something new with each project. This one was a lesson in point placement and edge loop locations. It has better geometry than the Farafallina, but you don't care because you can't see it. Just know that it's surprisingly efficient, so efficient I was able to use the same model for all but the highest resolution.

Playing with point placement and mesh thickness led me to the comic book vixen look, one I used to avoid with sculpts as I was worried about sloppiness. It's about time I had that sort of minimal, sexy mask you see on some characters and it gives a great amount of mystique while letting everyone see those fantastic features. Sultry, powerful and perfect for prowling.
Out now at the store: 125L
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1 comment:
this is nice (:
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