But with sculpted prims about, my old beloved noobie roses looked crude, sharp and pieced together.
It was time for something new:

These I pieced together from individually modeled sculpted petals, because I am a crazy perfectionist. And this crazy perfectionism is what makes me so happy to offer some of the best crafted things on Second Life, if I do say so myself ^.^ I pour a lot of love and time into my items, and it makes me darn happy. So despite the fact I've always said I had the best roses on Second Life, I had to out-do myself and make them again.
I'll be releasing them as red stem roses, open and closed, as well as boutineers and hair roses, maybe even wedding bouquets, and anything else you'd like me to make them as :) I am not offering them individually for sale yet, I haven't decided on a price and need to do pictures, but here are the colors that will be available ^.^ Speak up if you don't see your favorite...

Gah, it pains me to add yellow to ANY set of colors, but they do exist in nature unlike.. er... blue... View this picture larger to see better details, the smaller blog format makes some of the colors seem blotted ^.^
Speaking of things that have been renewed and reborn...
Top hats ^.^ Sculpted prims finally gave me a solid excuse to completely overhaul my designs, so now the Sabrina and the Harajuku have a definitely shinier, more professional look, with brand new custom made textures just for them, with sculpted brims:

I've also decided to rename the "Gothic Top Hat" as the "Victorian Top Hat"

I'll be releasing those Victorian Parasols soon, I promise! But again, my crazy perfectionism gets in the way :)
Customers who bought the designs before can get a free upgrade! IM me, and after proving ownership (by wearing it is the easiest way) I'll fob it over and you can rock the new look ;) The prices are also the same, so essentially you're just getting a much better hat now....
So, despite all of the crazy chaos of Second Life today, (oh, god, how did we survive?.... addiction..) I've managed to accomplish quite a bit
On the roses - a warmer pink and a peach, pretty please :)
Casandra Shilova
Wow, those roses are stunning!
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