A pet project of mine has always been attempting to make cloaks, but they have always been sad victims of my stringent perfectionism. But bless sculpted prims, I've finally been able to make something that I'm willing to sell. Mind you, I could tweak these for an eternity and still not be happy with them (the flexi is too tight, that part falls too short, that length needs to be changed, that collar part needs to be moved). BUT... I know myself, and I know that I can be happy with it if I sell it right this instant.

I present to you proudly the Domino Venetzia. A Domino wasn't always a plastic thing you knocked down to make other plastic things get knocked down, in Venice in the 1700's it was the ultimate lady's disguise. It was a combination of a mask that covered the entire face, and a voluminous cloak that would only show the stylishness of the manner in which you were dressed. It was used so that women could indulge in secret trysts, or even go out to bars and have a riotous good time without ever having to suffer damage to their delicate, refined reputation. It was the ultimate shroud of mystery.
For my domino, I have constructed the clasp, cowl and hood entirely out of sculpted prims, and used the Columbina Venetzia as a jumping off point to add a delicate flexi veil. My proudest piece of this, is actually the textures. I've never made my own textures before (except random uploaded pictures of stuff, and edited random pictures of stuff... and UV wrapped textures made in Zbrush), so I'm extra proud of these. I actually took a picture of my sculpted prims in world, put them against a gradient background and then fitted them to be the proper size for long flexi prims! That way they were all sure to match... and sure enough, the cloak trim, veil trim, and mask trim are all in perfect harmony. Hurraaay!
I'd also like to share that I have completed, finally, and god I mean finally, converting all of my rose creations to the new 20 colors. May I live long and not have to do that sort of damn thing again.

The All Color options are only available as copy, as obviously I do have to protect myself and I want to be able to offer an extremely deep discount for people who want more than one color in their life. Most of my all color packs have been set at the price of one X3, so that's when it becomes worth your while to get the bunch! But I realized that if I sold them transferable... I could be very easily suffering some losses there ^^; So it's best to be safe rather than sorry :) You can still IM me as always for gifts or giftcards.
Speaking of giftcards, I've been trying to figure out a way I might instigate them. More news on that soon :)
1 comment:
That's beautiful. I was googleing dominos because it features in the book version of the Phantom of the Opera. (Raoul wears one to the masked ball.) I was curious to see what one looked like. That is exquisite, I wish cloaks were a staple of the 21st century!
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