I'm going to tempt fate here (*knocks on a Straylight tree*), and try a sale. I felt like spring cleaning, and this time, I'm gonna let people know about it.

There are some very beloved items being set for sale for the next few weeks, and I know you guys might be worried about them not coming back (as some of the items that have been requested still haven't shown up since the last retirement sale). However, I would like to assuage those anxieties and say that with most of these items not much is needed. For example, the Civetta and Columbina Venetzias have been set out on sale, but this is so that I can update the sculpted mask prim and the way they fit. They were the very first sculpted masks I ever made, so I was bound to learn a thing or two between now and then. (They're also almost a year old now! Can you believe it! :o! ). The same goes for the pirate items... since then, I've grown in my sculpting ability (and texturing ability), as well as acquiring new feathers and new tricks, and it's about time these items got a little touch up of my magic wand. Or feather duster, as the case may be.
I do plan on retiring the Isis silks, and a few other items for good. I might revisit the idea but I am not going to ever make "prim only" silks again. The boobies are just way too hard to fit, even with sculpts, and breast size varies so drastically across avatars it's just not practical. Some other items just need to be remade completely!
The ears are also suspiciously on sale... hmm... could this mean that more ears are coming very very soon?
If you guys run into any grid related problems and something doesn't get delivered, or stuff disappears or gets eaten, as it does, send me a notecard with the list of failed deliveries and as much transaction information as possible (the transaction number is very helpful!!). If things go wrong during one of LL's little "profile blackouts", drop a notecard in the "Failed Transaction" mailbox right nearby. I've been putting off this sale due to the SL hijinx lately, and I decided it's not worth waiting anymore!
With your venture into coats and play with the clothing layer, I hope the Mask and Accessories gods smile upon the Isis silks and that they are reborn one day with Ra.
*Does the pretty-pretty-pretty please dance!* <3
People should read this.
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