I made sculpted pieces of Celtic knot work. Partly because it's beautiful, elegant, and unprecedented on SL (to my knowledge), and partly because I CAN! YEAH! So I found myself making little knot pieces that were graceful and flowy, and even stuck one on the boxes the ears came in. But of course having little pieces of knotwork is going to lead to... haha yes, I can see you longing for me to just say it! Just frickin' show the jewelry already!! Well, you could have just scrolled down if you were that impatient.

Now I think you might be noticing a few things different about this set than my other sets like Winged and Rosalyn or Cherished... this one is scripted, like the ears and the hair, to change texture! Hurray! You get a fatpack for (almost) no extra! And what's that? There's something else... "additional pieces available"? What's that?

Maybe this?

Alrighty then! This has to be one of my most favorite creations... um... ever. I've made some beautiful things in my time, or so I'd like to think, but this is just a fantasy come true for me. Every single prim of it is sculpted, so rather than weighing in at a hefty 220 or even an impossible 300, (as a few of my pre-sculpted attempts ended up as) it comes in at a modestly luxuriant 130. I can thank Sculptomancy's sculpted prim chain links for that, 4 links in one prim!
I feel absolutely beautiful wearing it.

Yet even that wasn't enough to make me happy, I realized my waist was looking a little bare...

This is another one that might be a little tricky or be picky about what you wear. It works best with a long skirt, I built it onto Miriel Enfield's beautifully made Elaine dress (which is ridiculously perfect for elfing around in). And I ended up loving the entire set so much, that I just couldn't stop with one.

I made two other sets, each with the 3 additional pieces of the headpiece, hand ornament, and girdle. Irima, in Quenya, means loved and admired. The design reminded me of a royal elf, or the sort of thing you would give your little elven daughter.

Lataine is the last but not least, which reminded Kriket Pimpernel of branches and leaves. Thus I named it after the elvish word for "laurel", which has a leaf shape vaguely reminiscent of the shapes formed in the knotwork.
You can buy just the necklace and earrings as a set, or you can buy the hand ornament, girdle or headpiece seperately, but there is also an option to buy the complete set (and don't forget, with 6 different metals included!) for a modest 615L, which I think you'll agree is a steal for such elegant elfin accoutrements!
Wow, these are stunning. :)
In addition to there not being a lot of hand ornaments in SL, I also think there could be a lot more headpieces and girdles. These are really some unique pieces.
Since you mentioned that fitting may be a little fiddly with some of these, I don't suppose there could be a demo for the more tricksy pieces? Just to give a sense of how much fiddling it might take. :)
I almost need a second job in my second life because of you :P I just managed to save up again for my 3rd pair of ears and now this. I just have to get those sets..amazing. Incredible work! ty :)
you are unreal. my goodness.
A demo is an excellent idea, I was setting these up late last night so I was like "I can do that later!" But yes, I'll set one up right away :D
Thank you guys... *hugs for all*
You're going to put me out of business, you know.
OMG woman...I RARELY..and I emphasize on RARELY give a shit about jewlery but omg >:O those are just hands down freaking awesome <3!
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