One thing can be said for certain...
They seem to be demanding fish.

As soon as I sent the notice to my update group alerting them to the boycott, their support and the sudden swarm of teleports was much appreciated, although there was a certain amount of dubiousness given the date. Although they found my words to be true, there are protesters on Carnivale, it was just the nature of them that had been omitted.

As Strength Carver said, there are "picketing penguins pestering piqued proprietors for pilfered pilchard". There were many giggles had by all upon teleporting and seeing the petite picketers, as well as profferings of poissons d'avril (fish of April, it's a french thing) were made to appease them. Yet they are stalwart and nonresponsive.
I will update this as I get more news.
hey, why aren't they flying? according to the BBC, they do...
HAHA YAY!!! OMG the BBC wins!!
Or should I say they wing that one?
That was absolutely brilliant
Absolutely appropriate, good-natured, and adorable, Siyu! Now, the remaining question...
Where the heck can I pick up my own little tuxed protester? ;)
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