It's almost time again to don your purple and green and gold, bake up your King Cakes and get with your krewe!

Although the day itself falls on the 24th, some folks do have to work on the weekdays, and so we'll celebrate a bit early. It also allows for the possibility of RL revels!
The theme is obvious, if you come in green, purple and gold you certainly won't be out of place. However, if you want to depart from that to be utterly fabulous, you're more than welcome. Just keep in mind that this is a formal affair, and keep that leather harness tucked away for your boudoir escapades.
When assembling your costume, please keep these rules in mind. For the sake of all of us, if each party-goer abides by them we should all be able to dance and camera around without molasses.
Please keep your prim attachments in total to 200 or less.You can double check how close you are to the limit by using build, and holding down shift to click each item you're wearing. The build window will display the collected total of those prims.Streamline your AO, or leave it at homeNobody likes looking like a noob while being a wallflower. However, if you don't plan to dance, fill a veritably lag free, low prim ZHAOII with your two or three favorite stands. You don't need a walk or any other anim if you're not moving. Otherwise, just go without.No particles, and no listening scripts
Turn that bling off, and make sure you don't have any items on you that respond to chat commands. Try to avoid scripted items at all if possible.
As always, there will be a costume contest, determined by vote, to vie for the title of King and Queen of Mardi Gras. Two previously unreleased, themed masks will be awarded as the prizes, along with 1500L each. I will also have the 150L fee to join the Masque group raffled off to the members, the winner receiving 5000L.
Make sure you join the group early, do not put it off because you don't have a group slot. Spots will go surprisingly fast, and I will refuse to add a single soul more than 50. I will, however, have a waiting list just in case anyone leaves the group, which has happened before. There will still be hope to get in even if you hear about it too late.
This may very well be either the last party held in the current event hall, or the first party held in the new one. As I'm working on renovating my sim, it's very possible that we'll be breaking in the new hall with this bash! I'll be providing a SLURL when the position is certain.
Masks are required, but a freebie mask will be included, which is the mask shown in the invite. I know the costume rules are tough to follow, especially when it's so tempting to go for the excess, but I have the utmost faith in your creativity to be able to work around the limitations, and flourish. I can't wait to see you there.
Illusions Mardi Gras Masque
Saturday, February 21st, 6PM SLT
Illusions Event Hall, Carnivale
(Join the "Illusions Mardi Gras Masque 2009" Group)
Formal Dress and Mask Required
Saturday, February 21st, 6PM SLT
Illusions Event Hall, Carnivale
(Join the "Illusions Mardi Gras Masque 2009" Group)
Formal Dress and Mask Required