Tomorrow I'll be taking the Odocoleinae Lumina antlers down, at 10pmSLT. So you have until then to nab them, and then they'll be gone forever, and your only chance at getting a pair will be some opportunistic fan who nabbed twenty copies and will be sitting on them until he can sell them for triple their original price. (hint, if you have the money, be that fan ;)

(your last chance! posted for the benefit of the feeds who missed the picture last time)
It's also your last chance to grab my friend hya's (silent sparrow) matching outfit that she created. She did a special recolor of her Maida Suite because she wanted to match. I'm not sure exactly how long it will be out, but her sign says Jan 1st also.
Oh, yes, and I'll be announcing the winner of the Odocoleinae Challenge tomorrow, and if some people forgot to submit their photos to the Flickr group today, I'll be checking the queue tomorrow before I pick winners ;)
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