Sunday, December 23, 2007
So here goes, the much tagged Plague Meme of Nov. '07, 'cause I can:
1. I was voted "Most Unique" at my highschool, and wore nothing but black every single day from 5th Grade to 12th. I've had black and purple in my wardrobe ever since I was four and a half years old.
2. I absolutely adore beautiful, artistic tattoos and I see them as a way of celebrating your body and decorating it. However, I don't think I could ever get one, not because I'm afraid of needles or pain but because I don't think I could ever live with one design all my life without getting sick of it. So doing henna on myself and my friends is a great alternative!
3. I've been in a relationship with my fiance for almost a third of my life, we're getting married as soon as we have enough money for an appropriately gaudy ceremony.
4. My avatar and I are both very pale. In real life, I absolutely adore my incredibly fair, alabaster skin. In the summer I have to go out with an umbrella or a very wide brimmed hat, and I completely cover my body with a coat or shawl and long sleeves to avoid burning. Also like my avatar I'm tall, but not so tall as to be able to say I'm really tall. I'm a giant among midgets but a midget among models.
5. I have never once worn shorts higher than midcalf out in public since I reached puberty.
6. I've never smoked, gotten drunk, done drugs of any sort, broken any bones, had any stitches, stayed in a hospital or had a prescription medication for more than a month. I still plan on getting drunk one of these days, but I take very meticulous care of my body (even though I should work out more, such is the curse of SL!)
7. I have many extremely geeky Fandoms. To name some of my most extreme ones, I adore Firefly, Peter Jackson's LotR, Pirates of the Carribean, Heroes, and my guiltiest pleasure is America's Next Top Model. I do watch a lot of TV and movies, since my fiance likes constant background noise and I've gotten used to it too as I work. I consider myself extremely culturally geeky, I can recite Holy Grail really well and have you rotflol.
8. I was a professional clown for a good percentage of my life, and would march in the 4th of July parade with my mother and brother and anyone else we could recruit. I was also known to do face painting and balloon animals. (My specialties were giraffes, poodles, and coiling snakes, no joke).
So THERE. Obviously I'm not tagging anyone back, and I hope this didn't give you Vietnam style flashbacks.
I'm still taking downtime, and letting my creative juices replenish. Already I've been coming on more recently and doing some casual work, as well as doing some sketches for new designs. Not sure if I'm going to do anything special for SLXmas, if I do it won't be on the day itself. Happy solstice though!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Illusions FAQ!
Thanks for taking the time to read through this, hopefully I will have your answer here. If not, feel free to IM me
Do you take commissions?
I'm open to them, but I have limited time right now. I charge a "real world" rate of $25USD an hour, but if the item fits with my brand and I feel I can sell it in my store I'm negotiable on that. I am always open to suggestions or to new ideas for my next item. I'm willing to do modifications, such as removing or swapping details or doing re-textures. Simple color adjustments or outfit matching are offered free of charge, all you need do is ask.
I'd like to blog/publish/represent your items! What's your policy?
In general I prefer that you purchase my items. I might be willing to provide promotional copies at my discretion, if I feel your aesthetic and exposure are a good fit, but I'll probably approach you.
Are you interested in renting a store at my sim/land?
No, I'm afraid not. Unless your land has a specific theme that my items perfectly fit, please don't send me any invitations. I currently only have satellite stores at locations that have given me that space for free.
Would you like to be a part of this shopping event?
I would love to say yes to every fantasy or historical event on SL but I'm afraid my time is just too limited right now. It feels sometimes I can barely keep up with the few events that I do, but thanks for thinking of me.
I'm interested in getting into 3D modeling for SL. What do you use to model?
I use a blend of Zbrush and Blender. My workflow usually consists of doing the base mesh and UV's in Blender, and then taking it into Zbrush for refinement and detail. Different programs have different vibes though, and some might be easier for you to learn than others. Take a look at the SL Wiki's page on 3d rendering programs for a list.
I love a mask that a character wears in ____. Could you make it for me?
No. I won't recreate anyone's intellectual property without their express permission, and that includes costume designers and concept artists. I prefer to make my own items or be inspired by the concept.
The item I'm interested in is shown being worn by a member of the opposite sex. Will it fit my avatar?
For almost all items, the answer is yes. There are a select few that were made and fitted for a specific gendered avatar, and they will be labeled as "male", "female", or with an "X" in the unisex box. However, all of my items are moddable, so there's nothing stopping you from giving it a try.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I've been popping on a bit more, recently, the new Muse sim owned by the luscious Caliah Lyon opened and I got my butt over there since I remembered that, oh wait, she was going to give me a spot, and wouldn't it be nice if I was actually there. So I set up shop there. I've actually been opening a bunch of new stores... ok, three, but that's a bunch to me. I now have store locations at Muse, Le Zoo, and Glamworld.
I was thinking of doing something a bit fun with my location at Le Zoo, inspired by the hyperactive Ms Haver Cole, who was beyond jumping up and down happy to find out I have so many creature masks in my inventory. I don't actually have most of them out, since almost all of them were special commissions from Vanessa (whom I miss like Disco Stu misses the 70's), and they really don't sell very well. But, what the hell, people who are at Le Zoo surely must love animals, so I figure I'll take some snappies of the better masks, box em up and put them out as Le Zoo exclusives. Just a preview for the future :)
I've also come to a sad realization that I'm going to stop accepting commissions. It seems like everyone does that at some point, when a creator just realizes that with the time they have, they'd rather be making something they truly love that comes from their own brain. I reached that point a while ago, but didn't actually want to officially announce it, since some people give me some seriously awesome ideas in the forms of commissions. The coque feather coat was a random idea thrown at me, and today someone suggested an executioner's cowl. I realized recently that what I really wanted wasn't commissions, it was suggestions, so that I could pick and choose and morph them as I pleased. I hope you guys don't get too sad by this news, if you had hopes of a custom made mask, since I still will definitely be taking suggestions and as always I'll do small alterations and especially different colors on request.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Leave a comment if you have an opinion about the party idea thinger :)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
EFA Design Awards Submission!

It's available in the main store, but since the judgment of the pieces is sales based and tallied on Onrez, it's a special vendor which didn't allow me to offer my usual option of copy or transfer. Don't worry, on January 15th when the voting period ends, I'll release the hat in my normal vendor with more options for colors to match the colored coats that I'm still working on. Just so you know, currently the hold up is that colors and white don't cover the multitude of "seam sins" that black does, so I have to be even more meticulous. I now know why Nicky Ree never does jacket layers! But anyhoo, if you buy them I get a prize XD
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Best Masks
Win: Illusions – Siyu Suen
Best NonJewelry Prim Accessories
Win: Illusions – Siyu Suen
Best Sculpty Prims
Best Hats
Runner Up: (1st) Illusions – Siyu Suen
Best Fashion (Retail) Update Group
Runner Up:
(4th) Illusions – Siyu Suen
Most Congenial
Runner Up: (4th) Illusions – Siyu Suen
Best Texturing
Runner Up: (6th) Illusions – Siyu Suen
I actually laughed when I saw the "best update group", because I've consistently said that my update group absolutely kicked major patootie. Not because of the updates in them, but because of the people of course! The people in my update group almost never spam, always are fun to talk to, and love a good pajama or pirate party. I ♥ you guys, so it's fun to see you get an award through me XD
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Goodies under the Tree

I've just released some new holiday freebies, including an adorable christmas kitty plushy! Inside the box you can find three holiday gift boxes for your gift giving purposes, a set of copiable, colorful ornaments, a yummy candy cane, and an even more delicious candy cane mask! This is actually the first ever anniversary of a holiday freebie for me, last Christmas I had a candy cane mask out too, but believe me it wasn't as nice as the one in here XD
Inside the stuffed kitty is another stuffed kitty (they're like matrushka dolls in that way), and that one you can wear and snuggle! It has a built in arm pose, so you can cuddle it ☺
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Merry Jingly!
Munchflower (of Nomine) is now making it a routine to IM me after she's completed some skins and say "want to make a matching hat?" which spurs me to make a whole darn set of items. (*coughharlequincough*). Her new skins, titled "Merry Jingly" are all holiday themed, and I picked my two favorites, "Candy Jane" and "Snowflake" to make matching hats and furry coats to. First came the hat:

Finally, wearing that outfit, I realized I was missing something. Some holiday jewelry I could wear under that sumptuous and fluffy fur collar:

I also feel like mentioning that Christmas was banned where I live from 1659 to 1681, just as a fun piece of trivia :D I'm glad that law didn't stick around!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I've been getting into the season now that it's officially shopping time for Christmas, and everyone's releasing santa hats was getting contagious... plus to add on to it Munchflower did it again. She HAD to ask me to make a hat for her holiday skins and suddenly... well I got carried away. I made a christmas hat and coat, and jewelry, but I'm going to tease you and not release it quite yet. I'm making matching jewelry and doing colors based on her skins, so I have to make sure everything's ready before I go and release anything not perfect. You can expect them within the next two days though. The reason I'm even mentioning it, is that I made myself a desktop image for myself, and wanted to share it with you guys. Not sure if you have a Second Life desktop image yet, and I know it's always more personal when it's your own avatar, but this one's awfully pretty! It looks best on a 1440X900 resolution, or at least the same ratio, worth a try anyway!

So here, take it if you'd like it, and greetin's of the season to ya!
Monday, November 26, 2007
I've braved the template, imperfection, and hundreds of lindens in uploads in the process of actually making a piece of clothing. I had a dream, a vision, an inspiration that had to come to life, and it demanded that I pick up the tools I so dread, and brave the 5th circle of hell, which I've recently discovered is actually full of seam matching. So mayhap I'm a little overly proud to celebrate overcoming a personal obstacle with this:

I'm ridiculously proud of it. I've been obsessing over it ever since Caliah Lyon planted the idea into my head, which was sometime in mid-October! She suggested a feather trimmed cloak, but when she said that a beautiful, sumptuous image arrived in my head of a soft, silky and fashionable feather trimmed winter coat that was dramatic and fabulous. The coat comes in two lengths of coat tail, so you can have a long, full length dress coat, or a shorter more casual calf length, but the long a-line flare is what I had initially dreamed of. I wanted an enormous soft collar that you could bury your face in, and yet at the same time show off an elegant necklace. Then of course I needed big yummy cuffs to balance it out. The collar actually turned out being 210 prims, which I tried my darndest to show restraint on, yet when I did it just didn't look the same. Ah, well that is true luxury isn't it! To compromise, I've included a low prim version of the collar as well, that has fewer feathers but will be much more friendly to your computer. (I say low prim, but it's still 83 prims ^^;, so I guess I mean lower). All in all, the effect is very striking, and I haven't taken it off yet. It's exactly what my avatar needed to avoid getting cold in the upcoming virtual winter.
Sadly, since I'm offering so many options, for my own protection I'm making this coat copy only. You might say "but it's just the prim pieces that there are options on! no one's going to give away/sell just the prim pieces", but not so! I've gone above and beyond the call of duty on this one, and answered the prayers of a certain niche of my customers. My dear rainbois and flamboyant, secure men, I have included a unisex version of the coat top, without breast shading, so that you too can be utterly fabulous and amazing. Of course you already are, but the coat helps to make it more obvious.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Someone brought up in group recently that the skull pieces still haven't been released. Obviously I know, and I've been thinking about how to handle them. Currently the big hold up is that I have done the sculpts, tweaked them, done most of the texture work, and then got completely and utterly hung up on one, stupid little seam. It's glaringly obvious to me, when I look at it, and it's been driving me utterly insane when I try to work on the skull that the texture just doesn't wrap properly at all. After spending hours on it, my drive got squelched by my desire to work on other things, and the skulls just got left behind. When I'm in the mood to be productive, I'm rarely in the mood to tackle that rat's nest of frustration.
What I have been working on is a fall inspired treat, that is unlike anything I've ever tried before. Based on my experience with it, it might herald more like it, but don't get your hopes too high up.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Yesterday's pajama party was an absolute blast, and actually felt like an honest to goodness sleep-over. Even though I was having too much fun to do much organizing, I still did some and managed to swap away a lot of stuff and get some fun new things (bunny slippers ftw!).
We pulled out some games and played scrabble (and had chess as an option, but everyone was afraid to take on the champion).

We had a pillow fight and played "Truth or Truth" (since dares lose a lot of their potency in SL), and were ceremoniously mischievous with the first one to fall asleep:

I made a kick ass blanket fort, which Candy professed she wanted to live in, and Selos demanded I make a bunch of tents. I think I'll leave it up for a bit because it actually makes you feel like a silly big kid, and even if it's not night like you're at a sleepover.

I just want to say thank you for everyone who came, you guys made it a total blast, and really made me want to have another one really soon XD I wasn't ready for it to end!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Windlight Fever

In other news, with some of the sadness that's been permeating the grid (and myself to a degree) at the loss of a crucial member of the most talented fashion house on the grid, my creative mojo took a plane out to Seattle or something and I've been hooked on playing mahjong and Oblivion until it comes back from vacation.
My fiance also has just suffered a loss of his own computer, the hard drive died or some other odd illness, so I will probably be on less as I share my system for about two weeks. It's a great excuse for me to get the apartment clean, as it's been falling into a sad dusty state while I've worked hard to get masks, ears, wings etc out. Things need to be organized and thrown out, and it'll be really nice to get the apartment ready for company. I'll be back after Thanksgiving full swing for Christmas stuff... whatever that ends up being.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Pajama Party!

So throw on your most ridiculously comfy, inexcusably casual clothes, and shuffle in your bunny slippers over to the cherry orchard where I'm gonna be setting up a blanket fort and playing whatever music I feel like for however long it takes!
Make sure you bring some transferable items you don't wear anymore, who knows, you might find an awesome swap for it!
I finally updated my listings. => => an out of world shopping tool folks can use when they're at work or on a grid down day. I have a very bad track record about keeping them updated, there are some designs that were still listed that have long since been stuck into my retired designs box. I sometimes make a project out of updating them (I did a while back on SLX), but slboutique/onrez has been neglected for a very long time.
I'm not done listing them, but I did delete every old mask, in fact everything from the old drop box, got a new one, and started over. So far there's not much in there, just the Seraphim, Civetta and Columbina and soon to be a couple others, but if you want to keep an eye on my storefront here's the link :)
The old vendor is soon to be next... I have my finger on the delete button and it's giving me the eye -.^
Friday, November 9, 2007

The wings and feathers inspired the second:

I have more planned... I feel like I'm waving a magic wand and turning wooden toys into real boys :P
Recreating the Seraphim look:
Mask: Illusions "Seraphim Mask" in blue
Skin: Nomine "Blue Glitter" in China White
Eyes: Miriel "Indigo Glow" (unreleased)
Hair: ETD "Roslin" in black (modified) (ETD's updo's are ideal for this tricky mask, they're very light in the bangs and easily modded to fit)
Wings: Illusions "Angel Wings" colored in blue
Tattoos: Chaospire "Spiretribe"
Jacket: Last Call "Jeane" Sapphire
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
It's very nice to goof off for a little, and take my equivalent of a weekend. I've been talking with friends and sorting my inventory a little and taking a nice fun break with Oblivion (yay! only just discovering how awesome spell casters can be o.o!). It's been good for me to stop saying "I have to ____" in my head and say "I feel like ___" instead. I'm already feeling more recharged.
I updated my stall in Limbo (the Isle of Wyrms), and played around with redesigning an old mask. The new version is absolutely beautiful, and I'm going to have it in multiple colors this time. I'll probably release it either today or tomorrow.
Sometime soon I'm going to go back to Deviant Kitties and do some detail work, like putting in the toad or putting in some "discoverable areas". I just got Pan's Labyrinth on DVD so I'm pretty sure that will correspond with as soon as I watch it. It's just such a dark movie I'm not sure when that will be.
I also have been putting some thought into a Secret Project. This project is secret because I'd rather be sure that it's going to happen, or have it a bit closer to when it will happen, than get your hopes up now (about 4 months before it's likely to happen). Confused? That's ok, I'm just covering my butt for when people say "where are the releases?!"
I also want to say thank you for all the kind words and compliments you've sent my way after hearing the interview with Daphne and Tamara. I had a hell of a lot of fun doing it (I think you can tell), and I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear that you heard it, enjoyed it, and are sending me the luffs. Luffs turn into Makeyjuice which runs the Siyumachine, so with every compliment a mask gets made!
Luffs to you too :D
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I never realized when I started making masks and costume accessories that suddenly October would be such an awesome month for me. I've always loved Halloween, and I've always gotten excited for it as you can imagine. But SL Halloween snuck up on me, big time, and actually caught me at a bad time creating wise. Nevertheless, thanks to Second Style, Daphne and Tamara, suddenly Illusions became a Halloween mecca for all of the masquerade and costume parties springing up everywhere. Despite the fact that I never got the skull stuff out (sorry ^^;), and my last minute completion of large multi-month projects had absolutely nothing to do with Halloween specifically, you guys still chose my store and for that I really want to say thank you. I've been loving seeing the amazing pictures of your costumes on Flickr, and some costumes so distinctive that they've been springing up everywhere in people's streams. (*coughkhamudycough*)
Next year I'm definitely going to be more prepared, in fact, now I feel a bit like Halloweentown in Nightmare Before Christmas, because I'll be counting the days down 'till the next one! And drawing up charts with evil kitties on them and singing songs written by Danny Elfman. Wait, that's nothing new.
But yeah, next year I'll have an idea of what to expect, just so you guys know, I just experienced Christmas 2 months early!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Rising From the Ashes
A long long time ago, in a galaxy far away, little beginner mask maker Siyu made a phoenix mask. This was almost exactly a year ago, and since then people have admired and loved it, even though it was a relic from an early era of a lack of knowledge about root prims or symmetry. It was even blogged by the infamous Swirly Cyclone. It now rests in peace in the retired design freebie box.
But like all phoenixes, it ended up rising from the ashes:

I've decided now, after lots of questions about where I get the outfits modeled, to start doing a "Recreating the Look" for my vendor shots. I haven't done it before because it takes time, and frankly, folks just didn't ask so I didn't think they cared. But more folks have been asking so I guess you do care :)
Recreating the Phoenix Mask look:
Dress: Irina Foil Gown by Last Call
Hair: Tribal Hawk in "Fire' by me
Skin: Lethe skin in "Umber" by Sin Skins
Eyes: Glowing Eyes "Orange Glow"by []TRAP[]
Accessories: Drow Ears in "Drk Gray" by myself
Angel Wings in "Phoenix True" by I....llusions (hahaha I'm a dork)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
An Ear by Any Other Name Would Still Hear as Well..

For the Natural collection, (from lightest to darkest) these skin tones are:
Cream: Tete a Pied - Vivant "Cream", Deviant Kitties "China", Nomine "China White", Sin Skins "Whisp"
Blush: Nomine "Ultralight", Lovey "Strawberry Milk", Tete a Pied - Vivant "Blush"
Almond: Tete a Pied - Vivant "Almond", Cake - Jessica Series "Pearl", Adam and Eve - Grazia Line "Light"
Sunkissed: Tete a Pied - Vivant "Buff", Celestial Studios - Vogue Line "Pure", Minnu Model Skins "Fair", Naughty Designs - Zoe "Light"
Bronzed: Nomine "Light Med Tan", Nyte'N'Day "Tan"
Tan: Tete a Pied - Vivant "Bronze", Body Politik - Envision "Buff", Nomine "Dark Fawn", Naughty Designs - Dante "Tan"
Cocoa: Tete a Pied - Vivant "Chestnut", Deviant Kitties "Chocolate"
Chocolate: Nomine "Russet"
For the Drow collection, these skin makers are:
Blue Tones: Tete a Pied, Nomine
Purple Tones: Sin Skins, Nomine
Gray Tones: Deviant Kitties, []TRAP[]
There may be more that I'm unaware of, I can't say I researched every tone from every major skin designer. Yet these are the skin tones that I've bought or grabbed demos for and confirmed that they are an excellent if not perfect match. I'm also offering custom skin tone matching :) Grab a notecard in the store for more info, if you're interested!
They... have arrived.
What have you seen and been tantalized with on Flickr, what have I teased and dangled before you and said "oh, I'm working on that" and then continued on silently, without update and with your chewing off your fingers hoping against hope that maybe today, maybe this would be the day they could be yours!!
Save those fingers dear, no more waiting... for they are here.

As I've mentioned so many times, not too long ago I commissioned feathers from Jen Shikami. I wanted beautiful alpha feathers, and maybe a couple of textures for random sculpt feathers that would be thrown in as backing, not really that important... She IM'd me after she had been working on them and said "you know, I think I like these better than the alphas". Not being able to believe her, I tried them myself and sure enough... they were beautiful. Making alpha flicker a thing of the past, these beautiful sculpted feathers could be worn with alpha heavy hair, layered together endlessly and most of all... form beautiful wings. These have been a long time coming, I've loved wings and tried making wings for a long time, and after I got the feather textures I had to make it real. Thanks to Miriel Enfield, these are available much sooner, as she gave me the use of a mirroring script. I've never before used any building aids, yet the rotations were so irregular I was desperate for help. Modifying Jen's beautiful textures brought forth dazzling colors (10 in all), and encouraging words from the people who saw them and wore them kept me going. And so here they are, finally, available to you. They're sold in color packs, starting at 450 for the black and white pairs (2 positions, 2 sizes), 550 for the three Phoenix colors, 850 for the five color pack, and 1500 for all of them. As the picture says, they aren't scripted, but they are incredibly unique, beautiful, and most of all, attention getting. I couldn't go anywhere in these wings without being asked about them, and after giving them to a friend or two, I started having to request that they not wear them, as I was starting to feel very pressured by all of the IM's by folks who had inspected the wings, come to my store, and found them not for sale.
These might not flap as you soar around, or fold in when you land, or flutter gently... but they will look close enough to real that you want to bury your face in them, pet the feathers, and feel soft tickles when your lover embraces you in them. Feathered wings should have weight, depth, and heft, and should look like they could carry you across the heavens. By that definition, they are everything they should be.
Go forth and be beautiful, angelic, fiery, dark, or however you wish to fly.
The Midnight Masks

Both "nuit" (pronounced noo-ee) and "nacht" (nahkt) mean night, in French and German respectively. The Midnight Masquerade demanded an elegant, regal and commanding pair of masks for truly resplendant party-goers... with over 50 people having wanted to come to this party and having had 2 months to get ready, I had to have something worthy of them.
I'm very happy with Nacht as a male mask, and I think you guys out there will not be able to complain that I don't have any masculine masks. I finally have a proper male shape (thanks to Polly Pavlova) to fit Nacht to, however I'm not sure how it will fit with other male faces so I will be listening for feedback about him. The mask shape on this one has a more pronounced brow, as well as a larger nose, and should definitely have a much better fit than my other ones. It's stark, yet ornate, and stern yet romantic. I'm really proud and happy with how it turned out. But it's sadly overshadowed.
Oh with Nuit... where to begin. I'm having a love affair with this mask, but then again it makes me feel like Princess Amidala. But then it's so gorgeous. But then I can't wear it with too many hair styles... Such is the curse of the truly fabulous mask, hair choices become far slimmer, and so I suggest you have a rudimentary knowledge of modification when it comes to hair before you buy this mask. The detail and stunning effect of this mask is worth the work though, and it definitely as a powerful effect over one's avatar. If you'd like to try before you buy, that's actually possible, as I have demos out for these two beautiful masks, and I'm working towards having demos for more of them.
It really made me happy to make these, and with them and the beautiful feathers by Jen you can expect more, including hopefully some remakes of old classics, as well as just a new dazzling array of plumed masks. I'm really looking forward to them, especially now that I've just completed two very large projects.....
The Midnight Masquerade
The party was, as you can guess, incredible. Elegant people, some who had been working on their costumes since the party was announced, great music, and the new, grand venue all came together to form a very memorable experience. In case some people have bad memories though, I also put out souvenirs! Jen Shikami of Seven's Selections donated very generously a beautiful pair of black and white wings, and I added a simple and elegant plumed mask to a giftbox that was set out. It was extremely difficult to pick a costume contest winner, since I wasn't exaggerating when I said the outfits were dazzling...

In the end, Jaded Drake (who left a bit too quickly for me to nab a picture of him) and the gorgeous Caliah Lyon claimed the masks made especially for the masquerade. A matched set, Nacht and Nuit, which will be released shortly. Here is a teaser, with stunning Caliah in her winning outfit wearing the Nuit mask.

You can tell why she won O.o
Jen Shikami had fortune on her side, and was the winner of the 5000L raffle of entry fees. The party and sim were opened after midnight, to welcome the happy members of Masqueraderie who had been dying to get in. Or the ones who were just bored and up late.
The group was closed earlier today, with one last notice sent out thanking all who attended for a wonderful and enchanting night. And it certainly was :)
Friday, October 26, 2007
I'm really looking forward to it, it's sure to be sim-crashingly fun, the guest list has been full for weeks, and my guess is that there will be many people up past their bedtime.
In other non-party news, I did another interview (zomg another interview! I feel so famous!!) with Daphne and Tamara of "Going Broke with Daphne and Tamara" and this one is actually a voice podcast that we recorded on skype ^.^ So you can hear my melodious and overly emotive voice as I babble away like a hyperactive monkey on Red Bull.
Going Broke with Daphne and Tamara: Episode 11 "Master of Illusions"
It was an awful lot of fun, and I was completely tickled pink and giggly to talk to them, I think you can tell that we weren't bored by the periodic peals of laughter XD
In the entry, it says that I'm going to be making clothing soon... don't trust that too much ^^; clothing as in the "wearing it on your avi, covering yourself up" definition, yes. But clothing layers and traditional, normal, wear it on your skin clothing? God no and not in this decade. But I have been toying with ideas for fully prim outer wear and sort of "fabric accessories", so it's a bit more of an enhancement of the truth. Definitely not much is happening until I get out of my wiggly worm mentality*.
I'm just going to apologize, I know you guys probably mind too much but I do, for not posting as often as normal. I've felt guilty for not having a release for you guys, when I'm so close to having several, I keep feeling that I can surely put the entry off just one more day until ___ is done. I also have a tendency to escape from SL if it starts to overwhelm me, which hasn't exactly been helping my workload. So, sorry for being such a naughty procrastinator, I try to not to let it happen when it's something I really love and care about.
*Wiggly worm mentality meaning here that I try to do anything at all except work on what I'm supposed to. A classic form of procrastination, sometimes I can be extremely productive and efficient and achieve a lot during this mindset... just never what I was supposed to achieve.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Gah, I know the skulls were supposed to be released by now, I'm having some serious trouble getting the texture to wrap properly, and I haven't just dug in my heels and worked it through. I'll tell you what, if I can't manage to get them out the week before halloween, I'll put the hell set out for free and make eeeveryone happy :D But that's no reason to try and will me not to finish them :P
I did a really fun voice interview with Daphne Abernathy and Tamara Kirshner of "Going Broke with Daphne and Tamara". They're releasing it as a podcast, but you can hear an .mp3 when it's all done. They said probably next week. It was really great to just chat to them afterwards, we talked about really random fashion things and I got to hear a reaction to my giving surprises to someone for once!
Caliah Lyon also got me thinking about something so deliciously couture I don't want to jinx it by mentioning it here. *zips lip*
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
One Year on SL

An incredible amount of things have changed this year for me, my career plans, my lifestyle, my drive and most especially my self esteem. I feel more confident, talented, and in control of my life than I ever have been, and I can thank the people that I've met and the customers who have appreciated my work for all of it. I can't believe I'm making a living now doing something I love this much.
The Deviant Kitties sim is open, and so I've been officially taking a bit of a break as I recuperate. I've been catching up on shopping, and it was really nice to do a bit of dj'ing and inventory sorting and SOCIALIZING (zomg talking to people) after my self imposed hermit-ness over working on the sim. There have been rave reviews, and Hely is still getting compliments on it, which make me giggle and be happy. As I like to say, lovin' creates the Makeyjuice that keeps the Siyumachine running. The wings are coming along well, and so are those ears I mentioned a while ago (remember those?) The skull has been driving me crazy, I can't get the textures to wrap properly so i need to give it a rest.
So much done in one year... and yet so much left to do!! Here's to one year, and may it be the first of many.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Since the sim is complete, and since you are my beloved blog readers, you get a sneak peek at the new Deviant Kitties sim build.

Pretty much all of the store area is actually underground, the hair being in an enormous cavern under the labyrinth and the skins down a tunnel in the center of the great tree. TRAP and D3volution are in the Spanish country house, and while the Pale Man's hall way isn't around yet, I've started working on it and creating textures, and there's more tunnels being dug. It's one of those unnecessary detail works that I enjoy so much, that we didn't find an actual use for. But after not being home in Carnivale for 4 days, I miss my flamenco music and my windchimes, and my golden stone buildings and pirate ship. But I'll be back, since I don't think I'll be able to stay away from this place...
Friday, October 12, 2007
This changes my schedule quite a bit!
Projected schedule for tonight:
G'night :D
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Ok, cutting to the chase...
I'm going to be very, very busy over the next two days. I probably will only answer emergency IM's or failed deliveries, and I'm afraid you'll have to wait longer for the wings. I'm building and simscaping the Deviant Kitties sim and damn... it's going to be beautiful. I've accomplished quite a lot on just this, the first day, and I'm only now heading to bed at 8am EST. Kriket, Candy and Selos have been keeping the Siyumachine stoked with Makeyjuice through their ever so inspiring flattery, suggestions and moral support, but there's only so long you can stoke the engine before it just dies and needs to be restarted.
So, that being said, good night :) More details and even possibly pictures tomorrow ^_^
Monday, October 8, 2007
Numero Four
Iris Ophelia interviewed me not too long ago, and she took pretty pictures of me, and now it's all published in issue 12!! I even have a bunch of mentions of halloween maskyness!
Now you can go and read the issue and find out about how I came to SL and what makes me tick :D

Sunday, October 7, 2007
The UMB Hat and Flutteries
Yesterday I released a hat that caused a sensation amongst the ladies in Fashion Consolidated, a hat I named after the "unsinkable" Molly Brown.

When I first made this hat, I was going to call it a Mae West hat, because it was sassy and bold... yet it was much more classic Edwardian than 1920's saloon. So I asked Miriel for help naming it, and she gave me gold: Molly Brown!! It's the perfect name... a traditional Edwardian hat with boldness, flare and personality, for a lady who had the same. The hat's available in rich purple, bold red, pure white or soft mauve, and seems to go with pretty much anything you care to wear. Some of my friends who ended up with it were saying that it was Harajuku, gothic, French modern or what have you!
There is actually a demo available for this hat, which is something I'm going to start implementing for my more three-dimensional pieces. So there is now a demo for Gracile, and there will be a demo soon for Eliza's. All of these are pieces that really need to be seen "in the round", and pictures can only capture one or two sides.
Speaking of things that look best from all angles... I've been working on a secret project recently, something I've kept on the low down until my friend Iris got inspired and had to shoot a "teasers".... and then of course her pictures are just too gorgeous to NOT share with the entire world.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
But... what I do say might be nice for you guys to know, because you enjoy my blathering and the little tidbits of news that might spring up and effect you and the speed with which you can get your hot little hands on the Pretties. Since you guys know you like reading my babble, I will keep writing it :)
A couple months back, I divulged in a couple of friends that I had a couple of dreams, a couple of aspirations.. a short list of landmarks that I wanted to reach as a Second Life content creator. These were things that I thought really put you on the map, showed you were a serious professional and put you into the mainstream of the fashion savvy, even if you catered to a niche as I do.
Here are the landmarks I felt at the time I needed to reach for, work towards, and aspire to, in ascending order:
1) Get Blogged - Absolutely number one, because it's the first one I needed to be introduced to the fashion world and get my name out there. I submitted my items tenaciously to Linden Lifestyles. Like most designers, I've come an incredibly long way from the items that were featured in that review, but if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have gotten the sort of encouragement I needed to actually start taking my business seriously. Getting blogged put my store on the map, even if it was only a street name and not a city.
2) Get Interviewed - I told my good friends that this in particular was something that I really wanted... I don't know, maybe it was my chance to pretend I was on The Tonight Show, or maybe fill out a survey that people would actually read the answers to. I just absolutely adore answering questions, doesn't necessarily matter what they're about, but it's just an enormous bonus if they're about something I love, like my work. I talk about my work endlessly to anyone that will listen... as... er... you well know.
The wonderful and ever encouraging Queenie Extraordinaire can say she was the first one to ever interview me; I'll be featured in the next issue of the Metaverse Messenger! Queenie, from way back, has always slipped my items into her blogging in a most flatteringly casual way, so that even when I felt like a very teeny fish in a big pond of publicity she would make me feel a bit more like a salmon.
3) Have a major, Non-Friend Designer Feature your Design in a Product Shot - Ok yes this one sounds a little bit too specific, and maybe something only I would want from all the things I could have. But I would be out shopping, like ya do, and there would be these pieces of jewelry that would just appear again and again in vendor pictures. A certain hat, or a hairstyle, that would circulate around the designers and fashion community. I wanted one of those items to be mine. I think like calls to like, and I have ended up being lucky enough to have a large percentage of my friends be fellow content creators... so having a designer whose work I adore and who isn't a close friend has become a rarity! A lot of these friends and I have a sort of free exchange, where we trade items, bounce ideas off of each other, give critiques and also end up using these items quite a bit in our vendor shots. This is why my dear beloved Munchflower didn't count for this, we're just too cuddly XD
So when Nicky Ree nabbed Gracile, and featured it in her absolutely perfectly synchronized release of her Swan Dream gowns, I had finally reached a goal that I had been quietly dreaming of for months. Nicky Ree is one of my all time favorite clothing designers, and I think she is definitely the designer of formal wear on Second Life... and while we've met we've just never really clicked into the "omg, you're awesome, flisted/IMolested" mindset. Being told that she was using my hat for her pictures was like... "oh gosh it's finally happened".
So you see? Dreams can come true ♥ ☺
4) Get Featured in Second Style - ......>.>
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wonderful News, and a big relief!
Q: | Hello, can you tell me the names of the 5 sims, since the list there has more than 5 names? Many thanks (: | |
A: | All Islands except Carnivale are up for sale and all islands can be moved and renamed (for 100 US with Linden) |
This is a very grateful post... There was an absolute outpouring of love and support from you guys. When I logged on and was absolutely freaking out and panicking, you, my friends, were there with IM's offering me help and places to stay. Helyanwe offered me the use of her own home for the Masque, and Munchflower Zaius offered me a place on Nomine, and not to mention the people who were willing and ready to help me raise the money to save Carnivale. I feel incredibly lucky, loved, and humbled that I have such wonderful and generous friends... and I really want to say thank you. Just because I won't have need of your generousity doesn't mean that I don't greatly appreciate your offers of support. I can't believe that some people don't have faith in humanity... they obviously haven't met you.
Witchy Woman

I also wanted to honor one of my very favorite witches, whom I've been a big fan of ever since I first read the first Harry Potter book: Minerva McGonagall.

It may seem early to some, but Halloween is even more fun in Second Life, since you really can dress up as ANYTHING! And I for one am really excited about it ^_^
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A Big Scare
Someone was kind enough to send me an IM, asking me if it was true that Carnivale was for sale.
Apparently, right now, Carnivale, and the block of sims its a part of are all listed for sale on Ebay. A scam of course? There's a screenshot from Vanessa Noarlunga's account.
I'm absolutely terrified. I'm not sure if the fact that that I own the parcel will count for anything, but I also know that if I end up homeless, I can get new land, I can move. I love my home, and I love that I've been able to spread out and be a complete prim whore, but I also know that I can very easily do with less and I can rebuild somewhere else. What I'm most afraid of, is that Vanessa's account is being stolen without her even knowing, and at a time when she doesn't need any more stresses in her life. I'm scared that I don't have any way to warn her, that the money that she's invested and the time she's spent in Second Life is about to be completely gone. I'm especially scared that because of this, I might never see my friend again.
EDIT: I've since found out from someone speaking on her behalf that the sale is legitimate. The sims are being sold, and the seller was instructed to sell five of the six sims. My guess is that Vanessa intended for Carnivale to be the one that was left alone, but instead it's included in the block. I've tried letting the seller know, but I'm not sure if he will change the listing.
I'll be working on emergency plans, in case of a sudden change of venue for both Illusions and the Midnight Masquerade.
After having a talk with Munchflower, she's told me that in case I do suddenly end up homeless I have a spot on Nomine with her until I find my own land. She says her prim limits are at my disposal and that I can set up a venue for the Midnight Masque there if I need to. Needless to say, if you find Munch suddenly selling a couple of items that have sculpted prims, you know where they came from.
I realize that sometimes I just assume that everyone knows the wonderful story of how I got an entire sim to my onesies when I cater to a particular niche, and use all of my SL income towards my real life rent. Once upon a time, there was a little mask maker. I had just got my first land, put my store up, and started out seriously making masks and selling for a business sometime in December. I had been making them for about two months, and I had a modest collection that I was extremely proud of. I was used to a purchase here or there, a little ca-ching of lindens from someone who had wandered into my shop to buy for a masquerade, and I made maybe two thousand lindens a day. One day, I suddenly got a ca-ching... and another, and another, and another. I was getting paid over and over again as a lady named Vanessa Noarlunga bought every single thing in my shop. I IM'd her, absolutely delighted, and she told me that she had an extensive collection of masks in real life, and that she was so very happy to find someone taking mask making seriously. Soon after that, we became best friends, and she asked me to do commissions for her and paid me extremely generously. She told me that she was very wealthy in her first life, and worked in Hollywood as a production designer. She said she would love to buy a sim, and rent out half of it to me in exchange for masks and all other inventory that I created. Obviously, that arrangement was just out of this world amazing, and I couldn't believe it, and I was absolutely delighted. For a while I shared the sim with some of her friends who were a part of a Star Trek role playing community, and then she bought them their own. After that, the other half of the sim was abandoned, and she said that the island would be mine but Vanessa never officially gave the parcel to me. She disappeared for a while, and I sent her an email asking where she was, and that people were worried about her. An assistant of hers told me that she was in Europe, and that her daughter had been involved in a fatal accident. Since then, I've only been able to hope that she recovers with the help of her parents, and know that she has more friends than she knows.
So that's the story, I will be bidding on the block of sims if and when I can, and my mother says that she will donate funds to help me if. The auction has five days to go, and I really don't know what sort of numbers I'll be competing with for five sims... I do know that if I end up with the block of them, I actually probably could recover a bit with terraforming them and selling them. I'm also hoping that I might be able to deal with whoever does buy them, if not me, and possibly buy just Carnivale from them.
Wish me luck, or buy me boxes.