There's been a general buzz about content theft over the past month, there was that whole fiasco with Minnu Palen, and just today I stumbled upon a SL Exchange advertisement for a big hive of copybotted skins. Well, that put the thought into my head that I'd like to make a statement somehow that my art is my own, and that I will tenaciously protect them from direct theft or duplication. But I'm never one to do things conventionally, and boards with words on them aren't really my style. So I set out on the hunt for something different, and came up with a delightful way to get across my message.
Hopefully, it might get a more visceral reaction from anyone tempted ;)

It may be macabre, but I don't think anyone can deny it's creative... and admit it, you think it's funny :)~
Yargh, they not be gettin' any good dirt! Awesome work, Siyu! :D
*grns evilly* perfect!
I wonder if anyone will steal that idea ;)
i love it!
Nyarrr maybe they're afraid of their fate if they be.. piratin' me ideas! Yarharharhar!
I wouldn't be surprised if someone has a similar idea; I think I've seen a sign where there was a dead content thief, but it was more in the urban violence scene than pirates. However, coincidence and 'inspiration' can be quite different. I would hope that if people were inspired by Siyu's work to put up their own that they would ask Ms. Mask first. It'd probably tickle her purple. ;)
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