This is my last post of my Magnificent (and epic) Horn Post, but I'm well aware that your eyes are tired. However, please retain some enthusiasm, because believe it or not I've saved the best for last.
Now, how could I give you glorious antlers without something to wear with them?

The Deer mask is quite similar to my horse mask, in that the ears are included and there are different fur colors, based on common colors of deer. Bay, sorrel, chestnut, black, silver and white. NO I did not include a pink deer... I couldn't bring myself to do that you crazy people. I know you guys saw this one coming... but you didn't see THIS!! *throws something and makes a brilliant flash, and a bunch of smoke appears and reveeaals...*

Roaaaaaar. *snort*. Does this raise any red flags? Do you feel yourself overcome by labyrinthitis? These puns are all an ox-ident. Do you feel a need to axe me to stop bull-ying you? I'm feeling tauran about stopping. But ok I'm done XD

This beautiful minotaur head looks best on a big muscly strapping young lad, but I found I could really make it work on a lady too. The nose ring can change metal or disappear if you don't want to be domesticated, and the chest and head change texture like the deer mask. There are some issues with the chest piece and head piece not going well together if your AO makes you do more extreme head movements. Tilts to the side and some chest movements back with your head forward can show the seam, but in most cases you'll be good.
If you're wondering, the outfit is from The Body Politik's orc avatar, paired with Riann Maltese's faun legs
Now go get Theseus, that bastard! ;)
Oh deer! *weak pun* This is overwhelming! All those antlers! If you'll find a skeleton avatar near your vendors, it's not because of Halloween, it's only the poor rest of me, starved to death while trying to decide, which to buy. :/
Hehehehe this made me giggle :) I'll keep a look out for the skelly with no invisiprims XD
do you make and sell the mintaur mask? My son needs one for a high school English class.
your minotaur mask do you sell them and how much?
do you sell your minotaur masks and how much?
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