The new store is officially up and settled in!

The skull items are on sale, the new build is settled in... and I'd like to celebrate with the release of a pair of masks that have been more than two months in the making. The reason I have not released a single mask, nor been able to work on one in all of this time... is that I simply had to finish these first. I've been wanting one ever since I first came to Second Life, and I finally have one. Please say hello to perhaps a familiar unfamiliar face: The Volto Puro.

Volto in Italian roughly translates to "countenance", or an expression of the face. Variations of the volto are one of the most common Venetian masks, and if you find any picture of the modern Carnivale of Venice you'll find almost everyone wearing one of these (and the most amazing headdresses). Puro means "plain" or "pure", which is an omen of more variations to come, as you can guess. The Volto Puro represents my jumping off point, for an almost infinite field of variation! Hence why it took me so long and why it was so important for it to be absolutely exactly right. Maschio simply means "male", as well as "femmina" meaning female, as I suppose you might have guessed. The Femmina has full lips and a tapered, heart shaped face, while the male has a stronger jaw, narrower lips and a bit more of a pissy expression. Grrr aaarrr man! I had quite a bit of fun on the textures for these...Curious about those 9 variations?

These are a little different from my usual range of selection. I might add a few more if I think of them, but I love the play of black and white, the metallics look like molten metal (ooo delicious), and I love the effect that the designs have on the mood of the mask. I especially love the "scarred" design (the tear streaks) for the harlequin set!
I'd also like to mention that this is my 100th post! WOOOT!! I've had this blog not too long, and already 100! Not too shabbay.
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