This actually is a style I made for myself, and passed around to a couple of friends. But we got so many questions about it that I realized it wouldn't be too bright of me to not put it out! This is another item confirming my "bald women" fixation. Come back to the era before hair stiffening thingies! I'm completely fed up with sticks poking up out of scalps, and mohawks that look like they require a gallon of gel to maintain. Fauxhawks, (with hair at the sides and just a raised center) are delicious and another fun thing that I consider myself a connoisseur of... but I wanted something to show off my head tattoos and how good Siyu looks bald. I had an image of this beautiful streak of flowing, rich hair, and it works so wonderfully in so many situations. It's extremely exotic. I didn't want to show off my beautiful Selostastic head tattoos this time, because I wanted to portray how it would look on someone else as well. (Not everyone is as fortunate as me to have such awesomeness.) I think you'll find that the hair moves beautifully, or at least it does on my computer... (I had a report from someone with an absolutely kickass system that the hair moved too much, but if you do have such an awesome system, you can probably fiddle with the flexi settings). Don't take my word for it though, try out a DEMO!! Yes!! I've made my first demo! Here in this picture, my friend Tea Panhandle is modeling it:

On another note, the hair comes in these lovely delicious flavors:

The Gods said they didn't miss the natural colors so much, and that the white was very tintable. Air seemed to be the favorite color (the light blue). These are the hair textures (slightly modified) from X3D. I picked out my favorites and edited a couple to make them favorites. ^_^ The hair comes in two sizes, and is just 75L each or 300 for all 10 colors ^.^
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