For a long time, the only events I've been in have been Fantasy Faire, and the SL Shop & Hop. Events usually require new items, gifts, donations and other demands. Even just doing an event in April and another in October was making me feel unable to keep up, but that's starting to change.
Every month I've been watching We ♥ Roleplay pop up on my SL feeds, a shopping event focused on fantasy and historical fashion. I eagerly go visit and grab demos, but I was feeling a bit like the sad Squidward meme, trapped inside watching others doing something I wanted to do. The last time I participated was in 2014, could I actually manage to make something new for another event?
I'm happy to say that yes, Illusions is in the February round of We ♥ Roleplay!

Skin by Tutti Belli, Tattoo by RiotzInk, Earrings by Faetal, Facepaint by Loa
Now that I've had a chance to shop around and see what other people are doing, I realized my brand could use a little zhuzhing up, and so I have made some tweaks to my vendor design. The last time I updated it was 2017, so needless to say I was past due to join this decade. There were plenty of elements that I liked about it, so it's not radically different, but hopefully it looks a bit cleaner and a tad more modern.
You can find all of the Drow ears on sale for 25% off at We ♥ Roleplay until the 28th.
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