My being washed out from the pirate stuff, and then the whole copybot thing (which STILL hasn't been solved to my satisfaction... I'm actually going to file another DMCA, I've decided this.), and then my being sick as just been one thing into another of delays, delays, delays.
Here's an update:
I'm feeling much better :) I still have the coughs/sniffles every now and then but I've proclaimed myself no longer sick. So thank you so much to everyone who's wished me well and a speedy recovery back to my chipper self, it helped and hey, it worked! :D
I've decided to just give up on my hopes of a summer ball. I'm really so sorry to everyone that's been on their toes and ready to get on their dancing shoes, I'm kind of upset about it too. I've realized now, for next year, if I don't do it in June, I'm not going to do it. I've decided to shift the theme to the halloween ball, since it works. The theme for the halloween ball in October will be a Goblin Masque, and I'll be trying to get all manner of interesting creatures and animals out in time for that.
October is also the month of the jewelry expo, so this is going to give me September to work to get new masks and new jewelry. I've decided my jewelry theme is going to be Tibetan/ Moroccan/Indian, so chunky, exotic, middle eastern bangles and earrings and collars. I might change but right now I've got some great ideas, we'll see how those pan out.
The only thing I've created in the past two months is a gigantic piece of cheese.

Well, that's one fine-looking piece of cheese! Nomnomnom!
- Candy
Glad to hear you are feeling better. :)
Your theme for the jewellery expo sounds very appealing, and a Goblin Masque immediately made me think of the ball in Labyrinth. Which is a very good train of thought as far as I am concerned. ;)
I'm just happy to hear you are feeling better! Everything else can wait.
That cheese is so completely random that it made me giggle. Out loud.
It's a very nice cheese, though!
Mmm, cheese. :D
I know the "I haven't made anything lately!" feeling. I haven't released any fishes since July, and I can't even remember the last time I released something for my Actual Store Which Is Supposedly My Main Business. *feverishly builds goldfishes*
I sure hope we can get back together sometime and cure me of my Zbrush sculptie suckitude. XD
Er, that was me. D'oh.
Well, Siyu, if you stick the cheese on your head, you have another product for all those Green Bay fans. XD It would be a whole new pool of customers.
Nice Cheese....glad to see your feeling better!
Miriel, how can you say this is SO random, do you remember your old pal elka AT ALL? I am ALIVE! CHEESE EEZ MIIIIIIINE! lol
*namh namh nams on eet* MINE I SAY! Love you Siyu!!
Hmmm... cheese... now to find an appropriate fondue hot-tub...
Update: I had a dream where the cheese was made into a furry mask for tiny mice. o_O;
Elka! You're still around!
Hehehe yeah, I made it for her :D I just thought it was so glorious to leave it ambiguous, and make you all wonder XD
I put the Fromage in Boing Fromage!
And yes, Jen, IM me whenever you have a free hour and I will definitely do another lesson with you my darling ♥
And lol Green XD
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