I did spin the finest piratey tunes I had in me cargo hold, and people did have a fine piratey time!
I did cut the party short though. Nor brought some news to my attention, that the 1-800 Flowers blog had finally been updated, almost a week after their original posted date for the results. I wasn't selected for any of the 5 prizes.
I don't consider myself a sore loser, and normally I can bow gracefully to defeat, a lack of recognition, or a polite dismissal. But I admit I was upset about this, and needed some time to escape and curl up with a pillow. I feel honestly that there wasn't another arrangement as beautiful as mine, and I realized the other pieces I recognized were made with the most love and care weren't selected either. Each piece I would have picked to be a winner was passed by, and the exact opposites were chosen. It might be something about being new to Second Life, particle and script awe does occur when you're new, but all I can say is that obviously the judges had values that just weren't in alignment with mine. I poured my heart into something incredibly beautiful, and I guess the creation will be its reward.
I also want to say thank you to everyone who gave me hugs and loves and happy feelings, and everyone who voted for my entry. I'd like to offer you a copy of the arrangement in thanks for supporting it, I know that to you guys, I won :) IM me in world or leave a comment here and I'll send one your way :)
Siyu, you are a winner. I've been sitting here at Illusions for the last couple of hours and for the entire time there've been a variety of people browsing your goods. More than that almost all of them have been wearing your things and looking absolutely fabulous in them.
Your arrangement is beautiful. It's elegant and sophisticated and in my mind completely blew the competition away. Just remember back to your ball, with all those exquisitely dressed people, with superb taste, most of whom were wearing your creations. You are the best mask maker in all of Second Life, but more than that you're such a kind, sweet, lovely person, which is far, far more important.
You deserved to win and I was stunned when I realised you hadn't even placed. But just look at their main page and the noobie avatars in the banner. Look at the flat-texture flowers that are on show as examples of their work. You're so much better than that.
I'd love one of your arrangements, even if I don't have anywhere to put it. Even more I'd like to see those lilies showing up in a single, hand-held variety, just like the roses. Please don't let it put you off doing more things with flowers. You really are talented.
BTW I've been searching for months for an eyepatch on secondlife. That freebie you gave out is by far the best I've found. I love it! It's perfect.
I'm sorry you didn't win. :( I was expecting you to. Your flowers were beautiful -- all your flowers are, actually -- and they really should have gotten into at _least_ the top three. I think a lot of people in SL aren't always very good at spotting quality. I can name a few popular designers that I think have some serious quality issues that nobody else seems to see.
And I agree with nor: please do make more flowers. Your sculpted flowers are just gorgeous.
Siyu, you're a winner to us. Thank you again for having me at your pirate party. It was loads of fun. :)
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